CBS Miami’s Rick Folbaum reports.
Month: May 2017
National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster did not entirely deny a report that President Trump said his dismissal of former FBI Director James Comey helped…
Overall, Americans disapprove of how the President is handling all things related to the FBI and Russia investigation. CBS News Elections Director Anthony Sa…
Former FBI director Robert Mueller has been appointed to take charge of the investigation into the Trump campaign’s alleged links with Russia. . Report by Lo…
President implored FBI director to drop investigation into national security adviser. Dave Bryan reports.
In an NBC News exclusive interview, President Trump revealed to Lester Holt that he was preparing to fire FBI Director James Comey regardless of recommendati…
In his most detailed explanation, and strongest defense of his actions, to date, FBI Director Comey said it was a choice between “really bad and catastrophic…